Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Today's weather analysis and forecast, 3-Jul-2013

Today, the LOW pressure is seen over N-E.Madhyapradesh ...

The low, mid level circulation associated with the LOW is seen over E,central.Madhyapradesh ..

Madhyapradesh LOW is expected to drift West into E.Rajasthan, while the low,mid level circulation will end over W.Madhyapradesh in 36hrs.

Today, 500hpa level circulation is seen elongated from S-W.Maharastra to S.Chatisgarh... 

During next 2 days, the upper level circulation along S.Maharastra coast will persist .. 

The offshore trough along S-W coast of India is expected to persist for another 3 days.

N,N-W.Bay may pop another circulation on 5/6-Jul...