After a mild night and morning.
We had a Drizzle at around 8:30 AM.
And more LOW cloud formations can be seen from North-east.
There's no GFS forecast for this. And even the latest satellite pic shows NOTHING.
This is just a slight rejunuvation of moisture in the almost dead North-easter.
Moisture around this time of year is very rare.
Forecast: we might have more drizzles or mild showers before NOON today(24-Dec-08).
Going by latest satellite pic...

We can see more activity just above the Equator around the 5th parallel. Previous week this area was cleared out.
Take a look at the latest MJO forecast also...
This suggests no wet period till 7th of JAN-2009
Normally we'll not have RAINS for next 2 months are so. DRY and COLD..!