Many Chennai people wouldn't have witnessed this kind of "Hot & Humid" February.
This kind of Early HEAT was not there for the past 5 to 10 years.
Today (1-Mar-09) it even reached 37.5°C (12:35pm).
Temperature and Humidity rised above normal after 15th of february.
Take a look at the past 5 days plot of Humidity.

Please note "All Time record for March"
High: 40.6 C (29.3.1953)
Low: 16.7 C (19.3.XXXX)
24 Hour Rain: 88.1 mm (5.3.1944)
Total Rain: 262.6 mm (1944)
This year we might witness a NEW high temperature record for the month of March.
Last year we got some rains due to a Cyclone...
What abt RAIN forecast this year this month?? we'll have a look at the latest GFS.

Going by the GFS, we can clearly notice a Anti-cyclone over Andhra-coast and a good Upper air Cyclonic wind circulation near the South-east of Srilanka.
This Cyclonic circulation might trigger a LOW formation in next 5 to 10 days.

Going by the latest Sea Surface Temperature image... it shows a gradually increase in SST over the whole of Southern Bay and more parts over the South-Arabian Sea.
Still the SST is cold over the northern Bay.
The SST rise over the Southern Bay will favor a LOW formation soon.