Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Rainfall forecast for India, 3-Jul-2013

During next 12, 24hrs, Heavy rain to push into E,S-E,Central.Gujarat from W,S-W.Madhyapradesh ... 

7pm, Heavy rain seen along W,S-W.Madhyapradesh, E.Gujarat, S,E.Rajasthan ... 

7pm, Heavy rain continue along Karnataka coast, N,central Kerala and along Maharastra coast ..

7pm, Showers also seen over central,E.Uttarpradesh, central Odisha and N.Andhra ...

Widespread rain along S-W coast from S.Gujarat to central Kerala is expected for next 2 days.. and may reduce after 5-Jul.

Central,E,S,S-E,N-E.Gujarat is expected to get heavy and widespread rain during next 2 days !

In next 36hrs, Showers possible for Uttarakhand, N,N-W.Uttarpradesh, N.Bengal, Odisha, Chatisgarh, North N-E states