Today, 99B as a WML is over Gujarat, N-W Maharastra ...
In next 48 hrs, 99B 's low,mid-level circulation is expected to drift North upto S-E Pakistan, adjoining India border !
99B's present upper-level circulation along Mumbai is expected to fizzle out in next 36hrs.
Rainfall alert for next 36hrs
From tonight to 21-Sep... Monsoon is expected to be active along Kerala, S-tip Tamilnadu,
During next 2 days, Karnataka coast is also in for heavy rain.
Before morning of Sunday...
Heavy rain will pop into central, N Gujarat in next 24hrs.
By Sunday noon,evening, Heavy rain will push into S,S-W,W,central Rajasthan and into S-E,E Pakistan due to remnant of 99B.