Just look at the rainfall statistics for the period 1.6.2010 to 7.7.2010 for certain districts in southern peninsula. In Karnataka, Hassan district reported actual rainfall as 130.9mm [322.4, -59%], Kodagu 431.4mm [623.3, -31%], in Kerala Wyanad reported 451.9mm [1039.2,-57%], Kollam 449.8mm [398.0, -25%],Thiruvananthapuram 277.0mm [443.1,-37%] and Erode in Tamilnadu reported 22.7mm[38.3,-41%].
From South Kerala to Kodagu district in SIK the SWM winds did NOT spare well. The cross equtorial south westerly winds are stronger and it blow over Maharashtra west coast and weak branch turned westerlies and stroked Kerala and Karnataka coast. Further at higher altitudes the westerlies were less stronger with lesser moisture. This resulted in (comparatively) deficit rainfall in these regions.