Sunday, July 11, 2010

All India Highest Rainfall figures from 1st.June to 10th. July 2010:
Cherrapunji: 4369 mms (+539)
Agumbe:1704 mms
Shirali:1593 mms
Honavar: 1425 mms
Mumbai Colaba:1387 mms (+537)
Mangalore: 1383 mms
Harnai:1345 mms (+349)
Kasargod:1337 mms (+71)
Goa Panjim: 1334 mms(+156)
Passighat: 1303 (+46)
Ratnagiri:1214 mms (+45)
Mumbai SantaCruz: 1213 mms (+366)
Mahableshwar: 862 mms (-855)*
* half the normal amount.

All India Monsoon deficit is now at -10%. Blog poll shows highest on this figure as yet.