Thursday, September 28, 2017

Now, the low-level circulation seen over W Bay near central-coast Andhra and another weak one seen over N Bay near Bangladesh coast.

At mid,upper-levels East-west wind shear line can be seen from S-coast Karnataka to W Bay to Bangladesh coast.
In mid-levels (700hpa) there's a circulation seen over central-coast Andhra same as in 850hpa levels.

During next 2 days, this upper-level East-West shear line is expected to push inland entirely, from S-coast Karnataka to central Chatisgarh.
Same is expected over mid-levels also, but it is something like an elongated circulation from S-central Chatisgarh to S-coast Karnataka.

11pm, You can see that the entire zone from S-coast Karnataka to N Bay, S Bangladesh is active .

In next 36hrs, again the entire zone from coastal Karnataka to Jharkhand, Bihar, central Bengal and Bangladesh will get scattered T showers