During past 24hrs, some widespread HEAVY rain recorded over W,NW,central #Maharastra and into SE,E,NE,central #Gujarat, W Madhyapradesh.
Over South Peninsula, during past 24hrs S-coast #Karnataka, S Andhra, N-central Tamilnadu and central #kerala got good rain.
12pm, Heavy rain seen over W,central Maharastra and over S Gujarat.
Yesterday's Maharastra circulation has weakened and now seen over N Maharastra.
In next 36hrs, present circulation will weaken further and drift into SE,E Guajarat and adjoining W Madhyapradesh and fizzle !
On 23rd, another low,mid-level circulation expected along Odisha coast.
In next 36hrs, HEAVY widespread rain for S,SE,E #Gujarat, into NW Maharastra, S,SW,W Madhyapradesh.
Scattered heavy rain also possible along himalayan foothills N Uttarpradesh and Uttarakhand during next 40hrs. Rain is expected to persist along Karnataka coast and Kerala for another 48hrs.
Most of #chennai missed yesterday evening rain. Nungambakkam 5.2mm, Redhills 25mm.
Most of rain was over S Andhra and N-central Tamilnadu.
Today as well T showers will pop over S Andhra, N,N-central #Tamilnadu towards evening and into late-evening.
#Chennai will get rain today !
1:45pm, early T cells seen over zones bordering N #Tamilnadu and S #Andhrapradesh .. it'll slowly push East towards #chennai and Sea.
For #Chennai , models suggest a increased rainfall activity from Thursday. #good