Saturday, May 27, 2017

94B to develop into Cyclone and "delay" in Monsoon for Kerala !!

10:30am, 94B WML over central Bay is slowly consolidating and drifted NNW.

The northern limit of SW #monsoon can be seen here in this chart ... 
94B is expected to become Depression in next 36hrs and continue to move North.
GFS expects it to develop into Cyclone on 30-May ... 

The timing of Bay Low 94B is perfect as far as #monsoon is concerned, Natural process is that the Bay LOW moving north will drag monsoon into S coast Kerala ! but, GFS is skeptical about this happening !! 
94B is expected to make landafall as a Cyclone over S Bangladesh on 30/31-May ... 
By this time 31-May, #monsoon current at low-levels "can" make a pseudo entry/presence into S Kerala.
There'll not be good winds at 700hpa ... 

On 31-May, the 200hpa Jet stream is expected to turn easterlies upto 12N latitude...  sign of #Monsoon ! ... 
Both ECMWF and GFS model expects a SE / central Arabian sea circulation on 2-Jun, this will make #monsoon to push into #Kerala on 2 or 3-Jun ...