Wednesday, March 22, 2017

3:30pm, Scattered T cells seen over N,central,S #Kerala and mini cells also over S,SW Karnataka ... 

A weak W.D trough at mid,upper-levels are affecting Pakistan and Kashmir today and will persist for another 18hrs ... 

During next 5 days, an anti cyclone at low,mid-levels will be over central,W,W-central India. This'll heat-up N,N-central,E,E-central India ... 
During next 3 days, S and central peninsula to have normal day & night temps for this time of year.

#Chennai and #Bengaluru to compete for #hot day during next 10 days.
Both the cities are expected to touch above 35/36 C ... 
#Chennai and #Bengaluru - should not expect any rain during next 7 days !

Present cloudiness and scattered rain over Kashmir to persist for another 18hrs and NO strong / moderate WD system expected for next 7 days ..

From Sunday a weak low-level circulation expected over E India along Bihar, Jharkhand and Bengal, this can kickoff KalBaisakhi / Nor-westers ...