Thursday, November 03, 2016

90B is still a Depression and has moved NW again ... now nearing N-coast Andhra...

10pm, heavy convective activity continue to cloud over N,NW quadrants and in outer bands, now seen along Odisha & Bengal coast...

In next 36hrs, 90B is expected to move NW and then North upto Odisha coast.
Cyclone intensity possible ! 
90B, expected to near S coast Odisha and take a N,NNE curve  due to a WD travelling East across N India ...

After 36hrs, system is expected to get affected by "Dry air from North India" this can weaken the system ! ...

HEAVY, Very HEAVY widespread rain ahead for N-coast Andhra, Odisha coast during next 36hrs ...

Next 24hrs, T showers will continue to pop over S,central, W-ghats Kerala and over S,S-central Tamilnadu.
Clean looking #Chennai Radar at 10:30pm.
NO Rain for now and during next 3/4 days !
Expect some cold nights starting from Friday night !