Thursday, September 08, 2016

Analysis show, yesterday's circulation over W Bengal, Jharkhand has now slightly drifted SW, seen along N Odisha ..
.. and the N-S trough associated with the low-level circulation is seen upto central Bay.

In 36hrs, This N-S trough from Jharkhand is expected to drift West and come close to SE coast of India...
In next 2 days, this trough can drop a LOW along N-coast Andhra and push WNW into Andhra.
This can light-up Konkan coast, W-ghats with rain.

At present, a weak upper-level circulation seen over central Bay.. in next 2/3 days this is also expected to move West along with Trough.

HEAVY Rain #ALERT for next 36hrs...
Jharkhand, N,central Chatisgarh, N,central Odisha ...

Only scattered moderate rain expected ALL along W-ghats from NW Maharastra to S-tip Tamilnadu during next 36hrs. 
From Friday to Tuesday... HEAVY scattered rains is expected to be over Chatisgarh, Odisha, N Andhra and pushing into Telangana, E Maharastra.

3pm, IR shows T shower over E Uttarpradesh, Jharkhand and N Odisha  ...