Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Now a weak mid-level circulation seen over N-E-central Bay .. this is expected to consolidate and drift West in next 2 days!
On Friday noon, N-central Bay will have a good low,mid-level circulation and will drift W or WNW..

On Friday, the associated upper-level (500hpa) circulation is expected to be near Chennai, S-Andhra coast ..
18/19-Jun, the low-level circulation is expected to push into NE Andhra, S Odisha coast, while upper-level circulation drifting to S Andhra

A good revival for #Monsoon along SW,W-coast expected from Sunday, 19-Jun ...
19,20-Jun  most of heavy rain will be along Karnataka coast and Kerala.
Over N,central Andhra, Odisha, S chatisgarh into E Maharastra.

In next 24hrs, moderate/light showers expected along Karnataka coast, S-Maharastra coast, Goa and Kerala..
In 24hrs, scattered T showers for Odisha, Chatisgarh, Jharkhand, Bengal, E Madhyapradesh.
1 or 2 T showers will start popping up over N,NE Tamilnadu, S Andhra and S,SE Karnataka on Thursday evening.

#Bangalore - HEAVY Showers expected on 16,17,18-Jun.
#Chennai - T showers possible on Friday and almost 80% chance of rain on 18-Jun