9pm, Cloudy over S Tamilnadu with a lone T shower near Rameswaram.
Weakened T showers over S,central Kerala.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/fm79U.jpg
Tuticorin records another HEAVY rainfall till 8:30am today,
Tuticorin 12 cm
Surangudi 6 cm.
One more day of HEAVY T showers ahead for S,SE Tamilnadu and S Kerala, bcos of a easterly trough seen from Comorin sea to N-central Kerala !
This easterly trough is expected to T showers for South W-ghats of Kerala and Tamilnadu in next 24hrs.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/fm82z.jpg
This trough will vanish in next 24/36 hrs, bringing some DRY weather for S Tamilnadu, S Kerala for 3/4 days.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/fm89p.jpg
#Chennai - Temp now (10:22pm) is 26.1 C.
For next 2 days, it'll get partly cloudy from 10am to 1pm.
Day will touch max 31 C
Morning 23 C.