Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Next easterlies, Low on way to Tamilnadu coast

Less moisture now over N,NE,central-coast Tamilnadu and it'll be for another 36hrs.. #chennairains ... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/eHBzt.jpg
1:30pm, RADAR is clear! this was a rare scene during past 20 days... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/eHBNC.jpg
12pm, IR shows activity along easterly trough over E,SE,E-central Arabian sea.
Early T showers over S Tamilnadu .. http://ow.ly/V0xf1 
12pm, Kashmir is cloudy with scattered rain / snow. Himachal getting cloudy due to WD circulation ... http://ow.ly/V0xf1

In 24hrs, easterly wave will drop good low-level circulation over SSE Bay, while Arabian sea trough will move away .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/eHCOd.jpg
2pm, Visible shows the present convective activity due to easterlies and mid,low-level circulation over SE Bay.. http://ow.ly/V0zrY 

Present SE Bay circulation is expected to track West towards Srilanka and become Low or WML by Thursday.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/eHDMv.jpg
Showers expected to start along central,N-coast Tamilnadu, Chennai from Friday,27-Nov .. http://ow.ly/V0BO6 

Scattered T showers along W,NW,SW Maharastra, W,NW Karnataka to continue on today and Wednesday !
S,S-central,W-ghats,NW Tamilnadu to get more T showers today and before morning of Wednesday... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/eHFhL.jpg