Tuesday, October 27, 2015

S-coast Andhra, N,central coast Tamilnadu to get showers in next 15hrs

As of now, 93B continues to be active, thanks to easterlies ... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/e0oxL.jpg

Now, GFS expects the LOW, 93B to drift NW in next 72hrs and push upto central-coast Tamilnadu .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/e0oMN.jpg

#Chennai - at present the wind speed has increased and direction is from NNE upto 3km above sea.. expected to change to more East in 15hrs
#Chennai - 4pm, Showers seen over E,NE,SE over sea and SW over land at around 100 to 200km.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/e0ppZ.jpg
For S-coast #Andhra , #Chennai , N,central coast #Tamilnadu .. heavy rain expected to push in after midnight today ... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/e0pzE.jpg