92B is now a weal low pressure area and drifted North, now near to S Bengal coast, S coast Bangladesh... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxG9Z.jpg
92B's pressure is around 1008 / 1010mb according to NRLMRY and GFS estimates it at 1006mb... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxGJV.jpg
92B's mid circulation is weak and seen over same location, but the upper-level (500hpa) is very weak and tilted S-W near to S-coast Andhra.
Meanwhile, 91A - is now located near Karnataka coast over Arabian sea... pressure around 1005mb... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxHQ4.jpg
91A - mid, upper-level circulation are in location and better organized ... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxI4i.jpg
92B is expected to intensify to WML and push NNE and then NE into S-E Bangladesh on evening of 8-Oct .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxJ4E.jpg
On Friday, the remnant of 92B is expected to drive upto central Myanmar giving heavy rain for Bangladesh coast, central Myanmar, S Bengal.
92B is expected to bring HEAVY rain for S,central zones of N-E states of India in next 2/3 days !
91A - is expected to drift North upto S-coast Maharastra, Goa coast in next 2 days, it "may" intensify to a WML... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxLnE.jpg
91A is expected to bring HEAVY rain along Karnataka coast, Goa and Kerala during next 2 days.
Rainfall alert for next 36hrs
Before midnight of 8-Oct...
Karnataka coast, N,central Kerala are expected to get heavy rain due to 91A.
In next 36hrs... Heavy scattered T showers expected over W,central,S Karnataka, N,N-W,N-E Tamilnadu, S Andhra.. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/dxMm0.jpg
More T showers expected for #Chennai on evening, night of 8-Oct.
Due to 92B.. scattered Heavy rain for S Bengal, #Kolkata and over S,central zones of N-E states before midnight of 8-Oct.