Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Heavy rain ahead for N Andhra, Telegana, E,N-E India, New N Bay circulation expected in 3 days

Today, a low,mid-level trough seen from E Uttarpradesh, W Bihar to N,N-W Odisha..
This trough is expected to drift East and position from N Bengal to N Bay in next 24hrs.
During the same time, an upper-level circulation expected over N-central, N-W-central Bay on 20-Aug.

Yesterday's low,mid-level circulation over S-E corner Arabian sea is now seen almost in same location...
From 20,21,22-Aug... S,central coast Karnataka, Kerala and S-tip Tamilnadu is expected to get some HEAVY rain..
The present S-E Arabian sea circulation is expected to fizzle out in next 24hrs !

Almost non-existent sea level East coast offshore trough is expected to be non existent during next 3 days..
On 20-Aug, only a low-level (850hpa) offshore trough expected from N-central coast Karnataka to S Kerala coast ..

2:30pm, E Maharastra, Telegana, central,N Odisha, N,E Bihar, many zones of Bengal getting rains now ...

Rainfall alert for next 36hrs
Before morning of 20-Aug.
HEAVY T showers for W,central,S,N-E Karnataka and along W-ghats Kerala, W-ghats Tamilnadu

In next 15hrs.. scattered T showers for N,N-E Andhra, Telegana, E Maharastra, S Chatisgarh and Odisha.

HEAVY scattered rain for N Bihar, N,central Bengal, Sikkim and into N,central zones of N-E states !!

On 20-Aug...
More Heavy rain ahead for Bihar, N,central Bengal.
On 20-Aug... Heavy rain for N,N-E Andhra, Telegana, N,N-E Karnataka.

 On 20-Aug..
HEAVY T showers expected for S Karnataka, Bangalore, N,N-E Tamilnadu, Chennai and S Andhra ...