Thursday, July 16, 2015


My expectations of revival of SWM in west cost went wrong. My friend at Coorg told me that he did NOT witness such a continuous DRY SPELL (during the past 34 years) in the representative month of July in west coast.  He considers it a curse.  Mean while I apologise for  my incorrect WET WEATHER version over west coast.  With limited data [& knowledge on meteorology too] I have foreseen.  wet weather which went wrong.
 HOWEVER this current Dundee Sat Imagery gives hope of wet weather for west coast.

Even though Mascarene high plays decisive role  a positive sign of slight revival of SWM over west coast is evident.

The seasonal RF upto 15.7.2015 for Kerala is
 -32 % Similarly for Karnataka State also SWM RF is deficient