RT @AxPn: Heavy rain lashes various parts of Bengaluru since early morning - Welcome Rain ! @weatherofindia (9:31am)
RT @rajugana: Bangalore 11.20am,Dark clouds and rain in the morning. fabulous weather.. pic http://ow.ly/i/8QVnx http://ow.ly/i/8QVpT
RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia Bangalore 11.45am, Overcast sky and slight drizzle at the moment.. http://ow.ly/i/8QVVh
3:30pm, T showers seen along LWD from S Tamilnadu, S Kerala to N,N-E Tamilnadu to N-N-E Andhra to Odisha ... http://ow.ly/i/8R4L5
#Chennai - 4pm, RADAR shows T showers over W,W-S-W,N-W from city at around 120 to 200km over N Tamilnadu, S Andhra.. http://ow.ly/i/8R4Rz
Today, LWD is seen from S tip Tamilnadu to S Karnataka (thru W-ghats kerala) to central,N-E Andhra to N-E Odisha http://ow.ly/i/8R58z
Tomorrow as well the LWD is expected to stay in same place.
From 5-Mar, the LWD will be back over W-ghats from Maharastra to S tip Tamilnadu
Showers expected ALL along the LWD on today, tomorrow... and its already happening ... http://ow.ly/i/8R5oF
Scattered HEAVY T showers expected over W-ghats Kerala, Tamilnadu and S tip Tamilnadu, S Kerala on today, tomorrow.
On 4-Mar, Chennai and its Suburbs can have a T shower before 5pm.
RT @rajugana: Bangalore 11.20am,Dark clouds and rain in the morning. fabulous weather.. pic http://ow.ly/i/8QVnx http://ow.ly/i/8QVpT
RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia Bangalore 11.45am, Overcast sky and slight drizzle at the moment.. http://ow.ly/i/8QVVh
3:30pm, T showers seen along LWD from S Tamilnadu, S Kerala to N,N-E Tamilnadu to N-N-E Andhra to Odisha ... http://ow.ly/i/8R4L5
#Chennai - 4pm, RADAR shows T showers over W,W-S-W,N-W from city at around 120 to 200km over N Tamilnadu, S Andhra.. http://ow.ly/i/8R4Rz
Today, LWD is seen from S tip Tamilnadu to S Karnataka (thru W-ghats kerala) to central,N-E Andhra to N-E Odisha http://ow.ly/i/8R58z
Tomorrow as well the LWD is expected to stay in same place.
From 5-Mar, the LWD will be back over W-ghats from Maharastra to S tip Tamilnadu
Showers expected ALL along the LWD on today, tomorrow... and its already happening ... http://ow.ly/i/8R5oF
Scattered HEAVY T showers expected over W-ghats Kerala, Tamilnadu and S tip Tamilnadu, S Kerala on today, tomorrow.
On 4-Mar, Chennai and its Suburbs can have a T shower before 5pm.