Saturday, December 13, 2014


[1] The cloudy weather and associated isolated or scattered rains for somewhat 60% of India is unusual for this  period.(except for TN,CAP & parts of Kerala where the rain is seasonal climatologically)
[2] The prevailing wind pattern can be generalized for 13 Dec 2014 / 0530 hrs as given below:

  • ·         East of about 77 Degree E and unto North of about 10 Degree N, the prevailing wind is predominantly NEly.

  • ·         Elsewhere in Arabian Sea & Indian Ocean it is SEly turning to SWly and engulfing the entire India.

[3] The East west trough identified near 5 Degree North which is responsible for rains in down south including parts of Kerala & Karnataka and troughs in easterly wave responsible for rains in North Coastal districts in TN & coastal AP