Sunday, August 24, 2014

Analysis show that low,mid-level circulation is now over Arabian sea near to Karnataka coast ... 
This circulation is expected to weaken and become a trough along Goa, N-coast Karnataka, S-coast Maharastra in 36hrs 
On 25-Aug evening, an upper-level(500hpa) weak circulation is expected along Maharastra coast ... 

Goa and Karnataka coast, N-Kerala coast to get good rainfall till Tuesday !

A weak mid,low-level circulation expected to pop along S Chatisgarh and near-by Odisha on Tuesday.

Around late-evening of 23-Aug, a weak low-level(850hpa) circulation formed along S Andhra coast ...
11:30am, Satellite shows rain along Karnataka coast and cloudiness, rain along Andhra coast (due to circulation) .. 
The Andhra coast circulation is not expected to persist after next 12hrs !

Before morning of 25-Aug...
Scattered rain for S,W,central,N-W Karnataka, W,S-W,central,S Maharastra... 
Today evening, late-evening, Heavy T showers expected to push into W,central,S,N-W,N Andhra.
Today, scattered T showers for N,N-E,N-central-coast Tamilnadu and #Chennai as well.
Scattered T showers for Odisha, S Bengal, S Chatisgarh and N-E Andhra expected before 8pm today.

After midnight today, scattered rain expected for S,central Maharastra coast and Goa.
Moderate scattered rain expected over N,N-W,N-central Maharastra on forenoon of Monday.
Tomorrow afternoon again...
Heavy scattered rain for W,S-W,S,central Maharastra, N,N-W,N-E Karnataka, into W,N-W,central, N-E Andhra.
Tomorrow, scattered Heavy T showers expected over most zones of Andhra and push into S Chatisgarh, S Odisha.. 
Monday evening, T showers also for N,N-E Tamilnadu, #Chennai.