Monday, July 07, 2014

Be optimistic upon SWM July RF

 Many of the private weather channels are skeptic about SWM 2014 [JULY] rainfall.  It has been ascertained by the [official] national weather  channels that the chances of revival of SWM rainfall in July is NOT that much alarming.  [China Meteorological Administration & IMD]

Usually in India National Weather Administration is NOT responsible for declaring DROUGHT of course in agricultural preview.  .  

The position and strength of TIBETIAN HIGH [warm] is to play important role in deciding monsoonal rains in NW / Central / and East India up to Nellore.

*** Tibetian High is situated at about 5000 meter above mean sea level.  This portion of earth is a barren land at 5000m height forming a plateau of length 2000 km to 700km width.  A third pole indeed..***** 

This is playing a key role in determining Indian SWM & NEM.

Moreover the Mascarene High is also positioning with good strength but no Low Level Jet strength wind is blowing in Arabian Sea.

However every one is optimistic.