Monday, June 09, 2014

Posted Monday Night 9th June:

Arabian Sea Low: Well marked, and soon to be a depression, AS-1 has tracked in a hap hazard manner, but overall has moved parallel to the West Coast in the last 48 hrs. 

The red line in the image shows the last 48 hrs track, and stationed almost off the Goa coast now, it has reached vagaries' point of turn now. We had estimated the system to move along the coast till Goa, and turn West thereafter.

My worry is, being situated at 13.6N and 68E, it is within our "de marked" line of 65E, so, now AS-1 at 996 mb, the worry is about the monsoon clouds getting "sucked in" the system. We must hope for and anticipate a quick movement away from the coast, Westwards.
As-1 quick movement Westwards will help in fast organising of the Monsoon favourite off shore coast.
 From vagaries