Friday, May 30, 2014

Monsoon for Kerala on 5-Jun !

Today, low-level trough is seen from S,central Uttarpradesh to S Tamilnadu ... 
This low-level trough is expected to persist almost in same position during next 2 days.
On 1-Jun, a good low-level circulation is expected in the N-S trough over S,central Andhra ... 

Monsoon update ::

SW Monsoon is now over S Srilanka !
And expected to cover entire Island on 3/4-Jun only... 
Sea surface temperature along Somali coast is slowly reducing and now it's around 24 C... 
It should go below 20 C

Latest model suggests that Monsoon will break into S Kerala coast, S tip Tamilnadu on 5-Jun-2014 ... 
High pressure near Madagaskar is strengthening, now around 1024 hpa... and should reach 1030hpa in next 2 week.. 

A perfect pressure map for Monsoon is expected on 5-Jun, with N-W India LOW at 992mb and an offshore trough in S-W 
Good showers expected along S,central Kerala coast, S tip Tamilnadu during early morning, morning hrs expected from 2/3-Jun.

Rainfall alert for next 36hrs ::

Before midnight today, Heavy T showers expected along W-ghats of Kerala, W-ghats, S,central Karnataka ... 
Today, Isolated T showers possible over W,central,N,S Andhra as well.
Today, tomorrow - T showers possible over N,N-W,N-central,N-E Tamilnadu ... 
Tomorrow as well, T showers will continue over W-ghats, central,N-central Kerala !
#Chennai - T cells will push near to 70km from city along W,S-W zones on today, tomorrow.
This scenario is happening during past 1 week !