Thursday, May 01, 2014

Low-level circulation over mouth of Gulf Mannar persists ... 
Today again, a low, very.low-level circulation expected over N Chatisgarh and Bihar ... 
... and its trough expected thru E,S Maharastra to N karnataka to Gulf Mannar...

Low-level circulation over Bihar and its trough to S Tamilnadu and the circulation over mouth of Gulf Mannar expected to persist for 2 days

Today as well T showers expected over S Tamilnadu, S,central,W-ghats Kerala into N Kerala, S-W Karnataka ... 
Today evening, T showers will pop over S-central, central,N-W Tamilnadu, S,central,N-W,N Karnataka into N,N-W Andhra, S,S-W Maharastra
In 24hrs ... Some T showers also for W,S,S-central Maharastra, N-E Andhra, S,W,central Odisha and over E, N-E Rajasthan.
Before evening of 2-May... more widespread T showers expected for S,S-tip Tamilnadu and S Kerala !!

@shanpati >> #Mumbai - NO rain expected for next 3 days.
Temperature is expected to touch 35 C during next 4 days.
At 12pm it was 32 C !

@Viggy90 >> #Chennai - 12:45pm, Temperature = 36 C  (feels like 42 C)
Occasional breeze from S-E.

#Chennai - #HOT days ahead after 7-May !
Temperature is expected to cross the 37 C mark after 6/7-May !