Thursday, May 08, 2014

91 B = a pseudo monsoon depression

As pointed out by Shri Rajesh, Vagaries author, the 91B has traversed along 77 Deg Longitude from Comrin Sea.  it was evident from the copious rainfall reported along (& across too) and off  this longitude viz Servalar, Papanasam when the system"s centre lay centered close to this place

To day [08 May 2014 /12Z] it is along 13 Deg latitide and along 75 Deg Longitude i.e south of SIK. Heavy to very heavy may be expected CK.

This is one way of dragging SWM or paving way for earlier SWM.

Is it also a monsoon depression in disguise or pseudo monsoon depression.

Veteran meteorologist including Rajesh {rakesh also) may think on these lines.