Some max temp from the region below :
Badlapur temp 40.2°C with min humidity of 22%.
Thane temp 40.7°C with min humidity of 23%.
Karjat estimated temp 41.2°C with min humidity of 21%.
Panvel temp 40.5c with min humidity of 39% .
Also early morning around 1am to 2am period today, had Thunderstorm with light to medium rain shower for 10mins in Badlapur, Panvel & Karjat area. So Roads turn wet with scented soil smell here in morning time.
Karjat recorded 3mm rainfall ending 8.30am today.
Badlapur recorded 2mm rainfall ending 8.30am today.
Badlapur temp 40.2°C with min humidity of 22%.
Thane temp 40.7°C with min humidity of 23%.
Karjat estimated temp 41.2°C with min humidity of 21%.
Panvel temp 40.5c with min humidity of 39% .
Also early morning around 1am to 2am period today, had Thunderstorm with light to medium rain shower for 10mins in Badlapur, Panvel & Karjat area. So Roads turn wet with scented soil smell here in morning time.
Karjat recorded 3mm rainfall ending 8.30am today.
Badlapur recorded 2mm rainfall ending 8.30am today.