Monday, March 17, 2014

11am, Analysis suggest that mid,upper-level W.D trough is affecting N,N-W India ...
In next 36hrs, the W.D system is expected to move away East ... and moisture will push to E,E-central India .. 

During next 36hrs, moderate/heavy scattered rain expected for Kashmir, Himachal, Uttarakhand ... 
By tomorrow, the W.D rain is expected to push into Nepal, N,central,E Uttarpradesh and Bihar.!
Tomorrow - A 50% chance of "kal baisakhi" for Bihar, N Jharkhand and into N,central,W Bengal !

5:30pm, Cloudy with scattered rain over Kashmir, Himachal, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana and N,N-E Rajasthan..