At 2:30pm, Lucknow is #HOT at 35 C (feels like 41.9 C)
#Chennai - 2:30pm, #HOT and Humid at 34 C. A weak Low level Sea breeze has set in from East.
After 6pm today, HIGH vertical velocity is expected all along N.Tamilnadu coast, #Chennai, S,central Andhra coast... HEAVY rain expected
#Kolkata - from 11am to 1pm, got heavy T.showers.
2:30pm, lots of showers seen popping over N-central, central Tamilnadu... many more to come.
#Chennai - Today, almost 85% chance of showers expected after 5pm and into midnight !
#Chennai - 2:30pm, #HOT and Humid at 34 C. A weak Low level Sea breeze has set in from East.
After 6pm today, HIGH vertical velocity is expected all along N.Tamilnadu coast, #Chennai, S,central Andhra coast... HEAVY rain expected
#Kolkata - from 11am to 1pm, got heavy T.showers.
2:30pm, lots of showers seen popping over N-central, central Tamilnadu... many more to come.
#Chennai - Today, almost 85% chance of showers expected after 5pm and into midnight !