Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Circulation near Chennai expected to persist till 13-Sep !!

Today, a sea level LOW at 1004mb is seen along S Andhra coast and #Chennai coast ... 

An offshore trough can be seen along Karnataka coast... and expected to persist till 14-Sep.

The LOW and low level circulation along S Andhra coast and Chennai is expected to persist till morning of 13-Sep ... 

Today, low level circulation seen over #Chennai and mid level just East of Chennai over Bay, may persist till 13-Sep 

A low level circulation is seen over S,central Bangladesh and another over E,S-E Uttarpradesh.

On Friday, a good low level circulation may get established over Bengal and may also persist for 3 days ! This will again drop a N-S trough.

In next 24hrs, Heavy rain for S,W,S-E Maharastra, N,central,S Karnataka, N,S Andhra and into N,N-E,central-coast Tamilnadu.

Today and Tomorrow, scattered rain expected ALL along S-E coast of India from S Bengal to N Tamilnadu coast.

Before late evening of 12-Sep, HEAVY rain for central coast, S tip Tamilnadu and S,central Kerala.
Bangalore to get more scattered moderate rain during next 3 days!
#Chennai - to get more rain before midnight of 13-Sep !