Thursday, August 08, 2013

Weather update around India at 7pm, satellite visible at 5:30pm

5:30pm, HEAVY rain over S,S-E,W.Uttarpradesh, N.Madhyapradesh, E,S-E.Rajasthan, N.Chatisgarh, Jharkhand, W,S-W.Bengal 

#Chennai - 6:30pm, moderate rain seen S-W of Chengelpet near Vandavasi, at around 65 to 100km from city.

5:30pm, Showers seen over central,N-central Tamilnadu and over E.Punjab ...

Malout - 6:15pm, "Today had some passing drizzles from West, after that it was HOT with clear skies"

Kolkata - 7:14pm, Today, so far 3 brief spell of rain, another one nearing city now.