Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mini weather analysis, forecast, 4:15pm

Today, the low,mid level circulation is seen along N,N-E.Madhyapradesh and S.Uttarpradesh ... 
Today, upper level circulation seen over central Madhyapradesh and another over S-W-central Bay... 

The low level circulation over N-N-E.Madhyapradesh is expected to move N-W and reach upto Pakistan border in 48hrs.

Next, circulation is expected to pop over Odisha on 12-Aug.

The S-W-central upper level circulation is expected to persist for another 2 days.

3:30pm, Heavy rain over S,S-E,N,N-E.Rajasthan, S.Bihar, Jharkhand, S,S-W.Bengal ... 

LESS rain forecast for entire W,S-W coast even till 15-Aug.
From tomorrow, entire East India is expected to get active again with scattered rain over Odisha, Chatisgarh, Bihar 
Till morning of 11-Aug, Heavy rain expected for S,S-E,E.Rajasthan, E,N-E.Gujarat, W,S-W,central,N.Madhyapradesh.. 
Scattered HEAVY rain expected for Punjab, Himachal, Uttarakhand during next 2 days.
Scattered heavy rain for Tamilnadu, #chennai to continue during next 3 days and beyond.! Some rain also expected for S.Karnataka, S.Andhra