Saturday, August 03, 2013

#Chennai rain from 9:45pm

RT @maddysutrave: @weatherofindia #chennai - impeccable prediction of rain.. Though showers are heavy #mogappair 09.45pm 

RT @amruthaupendran: .@weatherofindia Spot on. Stepped out of restaurant at 10.05 in #tnagar and it was pouring... #chennai 

RT @am_venkatesh: @weatherofindia mild shower in anna nagar #chennai 10:07pm

RT @archvivekh: Raining cats and dogs in ambattur for the past 30 mins @weatherofindia accompanied with lightening and thunder! YAY! 10:10pm

RT @joesat: #Chennai - Raining steadily for the past one hour @weatherofindia #palavakkam 22:45 

#Chennai - 10:45pm, Heavy T.showers seen near Airport zone ... 

#Chennai - 11pm, Polichalur zone getting strong drizzles.