Today, almost 3 circulations visible along monsoon axis. One over N.Madhyapradesh, other over Odisha, W-central Bay
Till 14-Aug, a circulation near N-E.Andhra coast is expected to persist ...
Till 12pm, today, High vertical.V expected over N.Maharastra, N,N-E.Andhra, S-E.Gujarat, central,E,S-W.Rajasthan... Heavy rain ahead.
Today evening, High vertical.V expected over S,W.Odisha, N-E.Andhra, N,N-W,N-E.Tamilnadu, S,S-E.Rajasthan, E,N.Madhyapradesh. Rain expected
Before midnight of 13-Aug, Heavy rain forecast for W,central.Madhyapradesh, N.Rajasthan, N.Bihar, N.Chatisgarh..
On Today, tomorrow, HEAVY rain for Punjab and into Pakistan...
During next 3 days, Heavy and widespread rain expected for most of N,central,W,S.Madhyapradesh.
Showers for central,N-coast.Tamilnadu, #Chennai and over N,N-central,N-W Tamilnadu to continue for next 3 days.
During next 3 days, no improvement is rainfall is expected all along W,S-W coast of India.Heavy rain for S,S-E.Gujarat is expected today!
In next 3 days, showers also expected for S.Karnataka, S,central Andhra coast.
During next 3 days, less rain expected over S,central Bengal.
On 15-Aug, widespread heavy rain expected over N,central.Madhyapradesh, W,central,S.Uttarpradesh into N,E.Rajasthan, Haryana and #Delhi.
From 14-Aug till 17-Aug, moderate and scattered rain expected for #Delhi zone.
Till 14-Aug, a circulation near N-E.Andhra coast is expected to persist ...
Till 12pm, today, High vertical.V expected over N.Maharastra, N,N-E.Andhra, S-E.Gujarat, central,E,S-W.Rajasthan... Heavy rain ahead.
Today evening, High vertical.V expected over S,W.Odisha, N-E.Andhra, N,N-W,N-E.Tamilnadu, S,S-E.Rajasthan, E,N.Madhyapradesh. Rain expected
Before midnight of 13-Aug, Heavy rain forecast for W,central.Madhyapradesh, N.Rajasthan, N.Bihar, N.Chatisgarh..
On Today, tomorrow, HEAVY rain for Punjab and into Pakistan...
During next 3 days, Heavy and widespread rain expected for most of N,central,W,S.Madhyapradesh.
Showers for central,N-coast.Tamilnadu, #Chennai and over N,N-central,N-W Tamilnadu to continue for next 3 days.
During next 3 days, no improvement is rainfall is expected all along W,S-W coast of India.Heavy rain for S,S-E.Gujarat is expected today!
In next 3 days, showers also expected for S.Karnataka, S,central Andhra coast.
During next 3 days, less rain expected over S,central Bengal.
On 15-Aug, widespread heavy rain expected over N,central.Madhyapradesh, W,central,S.Uttarpradesh into N,E.Rajasthan, Haryana and #Delhi.
From 14-Aug till 17-Aug, moderate and scattered rain expected for #Delhi zone.