Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th Outlook:
As the axis slips Southwards in Central India. and supported by a UAC "fulcrum" in the West over Gujarat, most of the rains in the next 3 days (Wed-Fri) will be concentrated from Gujarat Eastwards thru MP and parts of Chattisgarh.

Many Parts of Saurashtra to get heavy showers from Wednesday thru Friday.
Starting with the coastal regions (Porbundar can get heavy rains in excess of 50-70 mms), main Saurashtra Peninsula will get good and beneficial showers Wednesday thru Friday.
Surat can get showers amounting to 30-40 mms on Wednesday.

Konkan and coastal Karnataka will recieve heavy rains on Wednesday, with a few stations exceeding 150 mms.

NW and North India may get the isolated localised convective showers, popping up at random.

Southern peninsula too may get decreased rainfall, with Chennai just  a localised shower in some parts may be possible.
From Vagaries