Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Weather update from around India

#Chennai - After yesterday evening, late evening T.shower.. today it was fully covered with a high cloud cover. Towards evening it was humid

High Intensity rain of 64mm/hr has been recorded from 16:45 to 17:00 at CHIKKA JALA Hobli in BANGALORE URBAN District http://ow.ly/n1dvr 

Malout - Good rain today from 5pm to 5:20pm... http://ow.ly/i/2CM9N >> Taken from http://ow.ly/n1eFf 

Kolkata - 4pm, "torrential rains through out the city of "... http://ow.ly/n1fTY 

RT @saifarash: 2am - Heavy rain here @ Areekode #Malappuram #Kerala #India #Weather 

RT @iamkanal: @weatherofindia Heavy Rain for last one week. Now Thunder storm.   #Kochi (4:39pm)

RT @ganpat000: @weatherofindia its raining in south #delhi (2:49pm)