Saturday, July 06, 2013

Weather update and Satellite IR at 4pm

RT @aknarendranath: Kerala receives record rain, highest in past five years - The New Indian Express  

4:40pm, lots of mini showers seen over N-E Tamilnadu around 80 to 200km S,S-W,W from #Chennai city.

Davabgere - 2pm, Rain ... pic ... 

Malout - 3:15pm, humid, A thunder cloud developing in south west, clouds are coming from N.Rajasthan (south) hope for rain in next 2-3hours

Malout - 4:30pm, "Dust storm".

Here's the rainfall map for last 7 days... Heavy rain occurred over E,central Uttarpradesh, W.Madhyapradesh and more. 
4pm, Heavy rain over N,central.Rajasthan. Showers also over E.Uttarpradesh, Odisha, N.Jharkand, S.Bihar, N-E.Andhra.. 

Rain... @ ‎#Vengara ‎#Kottakkal road ‎#Kerala ...