Today, LOW is seen along S-E.Uttarpradesh, N.Chatisgarh and along E.Madhyapradesh ...
The low and mid level circulation of LOW is seen almost in that same zone, along S-E.Uttarpradesh, N.Chatisgarh ..
In next 36hrs, this low,mid level circulation is expected to drift W-S-W into S,central Madhyapradesh ...
Today, the upper level circulation 500pa of LOW is seen along E.Madhyapradesh and over Chatisgarh ...
Today, upper level circulation also seen along S.Maharastra coast and Goa ...
By tomorrow night, the present upper level circulation along E.Madyapradesh is expected to drift into S,S-W.Madhyapradesh, N.Maharastra.
The upper level circulation along Goa, S.Maharastra coast is expected to drift South and persist for another 24hrs along Karnataka coast.
The offshore trough from Maharastra coast to N.Kerala coast persists and will persist for another 3 days...
On 4-Jul, another LOW is expected along N-E.Madhyapradesh and S.Uttarpradesh !
The low and mid level circulation of LOW is seen almost in that same zone, along S-E.Uttarpradesh, N.Chatisgarh ..
In next 36hrs, this low,mid level circulation is expected to drift W-S-W into S,central Madhyapradesh ...
Today, the upper level circulation 500pa of LOW is seen along E.Madhyapradesh and over Chatisgarh ...
Today, upper level circulation also seen along S.Maharastra coast and Goa ...
By tomorrow night, the present upper level circulation along E.Madyapradesh is expected to drift into S,S-W.Madhyapradesh, N.Maharastra.
The upper level circulation along Goa, S.Maharastra coast is expected to drift South and persist for another 24hrs along Karnataka coast.
The offshore trough from Maharastra coast to N.Kerala coast persists and will persist for another 3 days...
On 4-Jul, another LOW is expected along N-E.Madhyapradesh and S.Uttarpradesh !