Friday, July 19, 2013

Update from W,N-W.Rajasthan !! DRY

RT @aratikumarrao: Not a drop of rain on the earth, not a grey smudge in the sky. ? W.Rajasthan. #monsoon2013 #rajasthan @weatherofindia

RT @zenmotherhood: @AratiKumarRao poured last night in Jaipur (E.Rajasthan) area though @weatherofindia

RT @aratikumarrao: @zenmotherhood @weatherofindia hmm. Was speaking to farmers. Nothing west of jaisalmer or in and around jaisalmer yet!

@aratikumarrao For E,N,S,central Rajasthan.. good chance of rain on 21,22-Jul .. some may push into N-W on 22-Jul ... 

@aratikumarrao >> Almost NO rain expected to enter Jaisalmer till 24-Jul... an odd shower may push in on 22,23-Jul .. Your wait continues !