Friday, July 05, 2013

Temperature and Satellite IR report at 1:30pm

1:30pm, Showers popping over N,W,N-W.Uttarpradesh, N.Haryana, last rains seen along W.Gujarat.. 

1:30pm, Rain also seen over N,central Bihar, and rain continue over S.coast Karnataka and N,central Kerala ...

#HOT at 2pm, #Delhi, Amristar = 36 C and Jaipur = 35 C >> All these cities can expect rain during next 3 days!

#Chennai - HEAVY cloud cover from morning till now 2:21pm. Now showing signs of clearing. Warm, temperature around 33 C.

Today evening, night, Good chance of rain again for N-E.Tamilnadu, #Chennai and S.Andhra ...