Friday, July 05, 2013

Evening weather analysis and forecast for next 2 days.

Today, a weak LOW is seen along N-E.Andhra.. it is expected to expand or push into Odisha in next 18hrs ... 

The offshore trough along S-W coast persists and will persist for another 3 days.

Today morning's low,mid level circulation over W.Madhyapradesh & S,S-E.Rajasthan expected to vanish along same zone

On 6-Jul, a mid level circulation is expected to pop along N-E.Andhra over N-W Bay ... >> No movement expected !

On 6-Jul, a weak low level circulation expected over E.Uttarpradesh and along W.Bihar ... 

Today the upper level circulation along Maharastra coast has drifted W-N-W... 

An upper level circulation has popped along S-W-central Bay. Present cloud activity over S-central Bay is due to that

The circulation over S-W-Central Bay is expected persist for next 2 days.. and good scattered rain expected for S-interior Peninsula.

For 2 days, CLOUDY days ahead for Tamilnadu coast, S,central Andhra coast.. with evening/night rain in these zones.. 
In 24hrs, Rain expected to persist for N,N-W.Uttarpradesh, Gujarat, W,N-W.Madhyapradesh into S-E,E.Rajasthan.. 

Scattered rain expected to continue for Odisha, N,N-E.Andhra spreading into most of Chatisgarh during next 2 days.. 

On Sunday, HEAVY rain expected for W,N-W.Uttarpradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, #Delhi, E,N-E.Rajasthan into Punjab ...

For next 3 days, NO lull in rain seen along N,central Kerala, Karnataka coast, #Goa up to S.Maharastra coast.

HEAVY rain to continue for N.Bengal, Sikkim and into N,central zones of N-E states for next 3 days!