Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chennai T.shower 7:30pm

RT @mancunite: Raining. #annanagar #chennai (7:28pm)

#Chennai - 7:30pm, Drizzling now over Polichalur zone. And a Heavy T.shower is now seen entering into W,S-W suburbs of city.

-- updated at 7:51pm --
RT @rangats: 7.30 Pm its raining heavily in Anna nagar - chennai @weatherofindia 

RT @aravinds91: @rangats @weatherofindia KK Nagar also heavy rain. Effect of Azhimazhai kanna chanting #Chennai 7:36pm

RT @alan_j_s: @weatherofindia Pouring in DLF porur right now (7:42pm) #Chennai

RT @naveenkumars84: @weatherofindia Bulls eye prediction now its raining at Velachery and time is 7.45pm only..  #Chennai

RT @maddysutrave: @weatherofindia It has just rained heavily right from #RedHills to #AnnaNagar and #Mogappair as well #Chennai 7.45pm 

-- updated at 7:55pm --
#Chennai - 7:55pm, the showers have now almost crossed into sea... after a 15 min T.shower lashed most of city (especially over S,S-W)