RT @rajugana: Bangalore 8.15pm, Cloudy day, slight drizzles, no significant rain for the past few days..sky pic http://t.co/358kD7UaYY
RT @karaikudy: Is this colder July?!! Now temp showing 20.7C and min expected tonight!! 18C!! #Malleswaram #Bangalore (8:52pm)
RT @arvenky: @karaikudy very true sitting outside and just shivering @weatherofindia #Bangalore (8:54pm)
#Bangalore - now have a LIVE "personal weather station" ... shows 22C at 9:20pm, check this out >> http://ow.ly/nv9sv
RT @karaikudy: Is this colder July?!! Now temp showing 20.7C and min expected tonight!! 18C!! #Malleswaram #Bangalore (8:52pm)
RT @arvenky: @karaikudy very true sitting outside and just shivering @weatherofindia #Bangalore (8:54pm)
#Bangalore - now have a LIVE "personal weather station" ... shows 22C at 9:20pm, check this out >> http://ow.ly/nv9sv