Monday, July 15, 2013

Analysis at 2pm... "change of events" - Circulation over N-N-W Bay

"Change of events", Why? - the expected low level circulation persisting over central,E.Madhyapradesh did not materialize, instead the Low level circulation is seen over Chatisgarh.

Today, 2 low level circulations seen, one over Chatisgarh and another over N-N-W.Bay along S.Bengal coast... 

Latest WRF model predicts that a LOW will form along N.Odisha coast and S.Bengal in next 18hrs and persist for 2 days. NO movement predicted

Today, upper level circulation is seen along N-E.Andhra, S.Odisha coast, expected to persist in same zone for 2 days 

Today's N-N-W Bay low level circulation is also expected to persist in same zone during next 2 days ... 

but WRF model suggests that the mid level circulation will push inland into N.Odisha, S.Bengal on tomorrow / 17-Jul