Saturday, July 20, 2013

20-Jul, Weather analysis and forecast

Today, the LOW has not formed along Odisha coast and S.Bengal coast ... it'll in another 36hrs ... 

The upcoming LOW along N.Odisha coast, S.Bengal is expected to concentrate upto 992mb before moving W-N-W on 25-Jul.. 

Today, the low, mid level circulation is seen along Odisha and S,central Chatisgarh ... 

In next 36hrs, when the LOW forms along N-N-W Bay.. the low, mid level circulation is also expected form there ... 

Along with N-N-W Bay LOW.. the low, mid level circulations are also expected to move inland on 24-Jul...

Today, a weak upper level circulation is seen over N,N-W.Rajasthan, and another over N-E.coast Andhra ... 

The upcoming N-N-W Bay LOW may have its upper level circulation along the same position itself (N-N-W Bay).. 

Latest model analysis at 5:30pm (update)
In next 24hrs, two circulations expected, 1 along N,N-E.Madhyapradesh and another along N-N-W Bay and Odisha coast .. 

On Monday, both the circulations are expected to merge over central,E.Madhyapradesh and  Chatisgarh, then expected to move towards Gujarat.

Rainfall Forecast 
Till Sunday evening, widespread, heavy rain for central,W.Odisha, most of Chatisgarh, W,central,E,N-E.Madhyapradesh 
Super Sunday! expected for S.Maharastra coast, #Goa and entire Karnataka coast.
During next 2 days, widespread rain for Maharastra coast, and HEAVY for S,S-E.Gujarat coast.
Widespread rain for Kerala to persist till 22-Jul.
From Sunday evening, HEAVY rain will move across S,central.Chatisgarh, N,N-E.Andhra and into E,N,central.Maharastra 
#Mumbai to get intermittent heavy rain till 23-Jul.
For next 2 days, scattered rain to continue over Punjab, Himachal, S.Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Haryana and #Delhi.
Scattered rain also expected for central,E.Uttarpradesh, Bihar and N,S.Bengal till Monday.
For #Chennai and #Bangalore evening showers to continue on Sunday and Monday.