1pm, Rain seen over most of Madhyapradesh except over S,W. Showers seen all along S-W coast, N,central Bay active http://ow.ly/i/2uB4I
#HOT at 1:30pm, #Delhi = 37 C, Amristar, Jaipur, Thiruchirapalli = 36 C, Ahmedabad = 35 C.
Kolkata, Hyderabad, Patna = 31 C. Bangalore = 29 C and windy from West.
#Chennai - 1:30pm, Temperature around 35 C, Clear skies from morning till now. Breeze from W has almost stopped, signs of early Sea breeze !
RT @sudhanrajagopal: Heavy rain affects monsoon tourism in Kerala - The Times of India .. http://ow.ly/mxc79
Today, N-E.Tamilnadu, Chennai, S.Andhra coast can expect another round of evening sharp showers with Thunder.
#HOT at 1:30pm, #Delhi = 37 C, Amristar, Jaipur, Thiruchirapalli = 36 C, Ahmedabad = 35 C.
Kolkata, Hyderabad, Patna = 31 C. Bangalore = 29 C and windy from West.
#Chennai - 1:30pm, Temperature around 35 C, Clear skies from morning till now. Breeze from W has almost stopped, signs of early Sea breeze !
RT @sudhanrajagopal: Heavy rain affects monsoon tourism in Kerala - The Times of India .. http://ow.ly/mxc79
Today, N-E.Tamilnadu, Chennai, S.Andhra coast can expect another round of evening sharp showers with Thunder.