Thursday, June 06, 2013

RT @aash_tvm: Hmm.. Sun is shining now. It was raining here an hour before. #Trivandrum #kerala #Malayalam @weatherofindia (10:04am)

RT @kaymenon: @weatherofindia #Monsoon Trivandrum not getting strong showers... Partially clouded sky since yesterday.. (12:53pm)

Today, the circulation along Oman coast and N-W Bay has weakened ... 

From today, the #Monsoon current along Karnataka & Kerala coast is expected to strengthen again, Good signs are there 

#Chennai - 12:30pm, temperature around 35 C, Humidity = 47%. Breeze from W-N-W.. "Showing early signs of Thunder cell formations"

#Chennai - From today till 10-Jun, the city can expect evening or late-evening Sharp showers or T.showers !

From today evening till 10-Jun, Widespread #Monsoon rain expected for N,central Kerala and will be scattered over S.Kerala.

Tomorrow, Very heavy and widespread #Monsoon rain expected for N,central Kerala and Karnataka coast ... 

Tomorrow - the #Monsoon will enter into #Goa and S-W.Maharastra coast ...

Latest COLA model suggests the #Monsoon will push into #Mumbai on 9/10-Jun ...