Saturday, June 01, 2013

Remnant of "94B"

Today's analysis show that the circulation of "94B" has weakened now seen over N.Chatisgarh, E.Uttarpradesh and E.Madhyapradesh.

11:30am, Satellite IR shows cloudiness over most of Uttarpradesh and Bihar, Less rain activity seen now.

Here's the rainfall distribution map for 30-May due to "94B". Heavy rain witnessed over N,S,central.Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, Jharkand, N.Odisha and S.Bangladesh.

During next 2 days, scattered rain expected over N,central N-E states, N.Bengal, Bihar and into E.Uttarpradesh.
T.showers also expected over Odisha, N.Chatisgarh and Jharkand at one or 2 places.